Saturday, December 30, 2006

the upper room

so know i personal blog the other one was just for fun
well about couple months ago i spend everynight praying in this room which this prayer room is now called the upper room. Well alot of amazing wonderful crazy god things happened here healings angels comming to chill with us people getting filled with the holy spirit. so 2 weeks ago me and my friend gather for a night of prayer. i was sooo tired i chouldn't stay up the night. so after this night i ask a friend of mine(map) how did we do this for a week. like we were nutts. like im sooo glad that god had be their and my friends at the point in our crazy life that god would show up every night we sooo many things im sooo blessed to have the group of chicks that i prayed with for that whole week im glad that i have people in my life that god is present in their lives

my little men

ok today i had dinner with my family. i always love to have dinner with them.
my family loves to tell stories about me and my other cousins. so my little nephews tyler and Nicholas they were sitting today at their own little kiddie table i love them me and my nephew tyler were play fight with him he loves to mess around and i was acting like godzilla it was very funny stuff anyways this boys bring joy to my heart everytime i see them they bring a smile to my face and i pray that they will know the love of their heavenly father

Thursday, December 21, 2006


well i thought i would write in my blog again since i haven't really posted anything in awhile. So it's christmas time right now it's the season to be jolly. but im not really jolly. right now im feeling like mr Grinch i dunno what is it my mom wanted to put some stuff around the apartment but i was like no christmas stuff this year i don't want it around at all. and usually i love christmas stuff around and lights and trees etc. but like im not feeling christmas this year at all. all me peeps are talking about christmas shopping and how they are going shopping and getting gifts for people and i nancylee huston havn't gotten any christmas gift for anyone. so i just wanted to share with u all that im not in the christmas spirit and im right now a mr grinch

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

what if god's people prayed

what if god's people humbled themsleves and pray?
my corps (my chruch) has always with out a doubt is a praying corps. I've seen people in my corps humble themselves before god and pray. So we recving just put a prayer room in my corps(the most coolest thing ever) and so we just had a weekend of 48 straight hours of prayer. So martha (the officer manger/ bookeeper) asked me if i would do both over nights friday and saturday night. i was sure i have no life i will come and pray:) So the first night of pray was the most amazing night of pray that have ever expericings in my life at my corps. so friday night a group of us went around the building and prayed over the differnet rooms in the building. So we went to the differnet class rooms that the public school rents from the corps and prayed for the kids and the teachers in each class room. So after we finished pray for the differnet class rooms and we went to the officer and prayed for my corps officer and the staff that works in that part of the building. Wow the holy spirit fall in the place the lord give differnt words for people and etc and we the lord was finish there with us we looked up at the clock and it was 430am in the morning we were in that officer for over 1hour and half praise God!! So after praying in the officer i felt lead from the holy spirit to go into this stairway that is back left hand corner of my corps to pray for things that were don't there that were not of god. So we prayed that forgiveness of what was done in there that was not of god. and that god will break that in jesus name spirit of lust and etc. So my friend major susan was praying in the holy of holys and out of no where when we were praying for that place this candle that was on the alter where major sue was praying crack in half so we comes and said whatever was here is no longer he that god has wiped this place clean.!! Praise God!! God is really moving my corps and i just ask him to continue to pour out his spirit on us!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.
and it russian for my friend Kt От Иоанна 8:36:36Итак, если Сын освободит вас, то истинно свободны будете.

ok this is a very personal blog for me to write. So im not very good with sharing my personal stuff that is going on with me. I was taught as a kid to keep quiet never speak about your personal business just keep it to yourself.

So for sometime now ever seens i chould remember i've been keeping a serect hidden from my friends and family. and know one knew anything what i was hiddening from them(i was really good at that) so anyways like i finally had enough with it hidding from my friends acting like i was amazing christian. Well the other day i was speaking to friend online. And i finally came out with it and at first i was really scared going nancylee did u just said what i think it just said, And like fear set it and i starting thinking nancylee your friend is going to turn her back on u and she is going to hate u and have nothing to do with u again. But to my surpisement i was soooo wrong, dead wrong! she was complety understanding and there for me. Like i was happy to have someone just be there for me and not judge me or hate me. so friend asked pastor friend of mine if we chould get together and pray about what was going on with me. and so we met to today and i was sooo scared to even meet and even open up. so it took me while to really open up and to share what was up. so after awhile i opened up and i just came out with it. so after so prayer, im set free!! jesus has set me friend i have been set free no more hidding it anymore because god has wash it with his blood!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

wonderful God encounter

"When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." Jer. 29:12-14 OK, this is the story of my life these past couple of weeks. I've been trying forever to write this down and to share with you all but I'm still going, "Wow!!!" Anyway, me and my friends where doing 24/7 prayer at Pioneer Corps here in Philly. We would do the night shift (it was from 11pm to 5am). So, before this I was really hungry and thirsty for more of God in my life. I was begining to get sick of boring stuff (like going and falling a sleep every Sunday at my corps). I was getting tired of the dry stuff going on at my corps and in my life. So, in the beginning of the week I was reading in Jeremiah 29 12-14 in the Upper Room at Pioneer and i was "Wow!!!" So after I read that, I was like "God, I want more of you! I'm sooo hungry in my life - I need more of you and less of me. I'm looking for you in my life. So on Sunday me and my friends gathered again in the Upper Room for prayer and worship and to go about the normal time that we had been having there for the past 2 days. We decided to pray for one other, and when we started praying, God's presence was soooooo heavy in the room. God said to me, "Nancylee, pray for your friend." And I was like, "For what?" God said "That she will be filled with the Holy Spirit." And I was "God, are You sure, because my friend isn't all that confortable with all that." I was really afriad to ask her, but I did and she was like, "Bring it." I started asking God to come more into my friend so that she will be filled with the Holy Spirit and it happened! She was totally filled with the Holy Spirit and it was like "Wow!! Did God just do that?" The presence of God was sooooooooooo heavy in the room that we couldn't get up for about 2 hours - we were just on the ground laying there and crying. Finally, I look up in the corner of the room and I see an angel chillin' in the corner. For a second I was like, "Nancylee, you need sleep." I look again after rubbing my eyes 5 times - thinking I'm going nuts and im not going nuts - to see the angel chillin' over in the corner. I was like "What!?!?!" My friends were like, "Nancylee, what is going on?" And I answered that there was an angel chillin' in the corner. They were like "What?" and one of my friends was like, "Lord, give me eyes to see." So, after a while the Lord gave my friend eyes to see and she was like "What!?!?! Oh my word!!!" The rest of night the presence of God was soooo heavy in the room. That was one of the most wonderful God-encounters I have ever had.

Friday, October 27, 2006

my dream

Joel 2:28-30 says
And afterward,I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams,your young men will see visions.
Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth.

So I had this dream 3 days ago
I was at my friends Judy and Helens house for worship and but it wasn't there house it was another house and so we were opening our time of fellowship and worship time with some prayer and as soon as we were finished 20 salvation army officers come in the door out of no where!! So everyone in the room was shocked to see Salvation army officers in Helen and judy's house. So someone ask I don't remember who said what are u doing here? And so they said that they were here to worship. So out of the 20 officers that where there I could only pick out 3 that I knew 3 where Major Susan Wittenberg, Major Andrew Murray , Major gotten, so they dream skip a free parts and all the officers line up the stairs and come down with army flag and where marching down the steps, and my corps officer started annoucing each and every person that was comming down the steps like sport annoucer. And so everydody was cheering and smilies where one everyones faces. and they i go to the kitchen and start talking with 2 woman officers and i don't know who they were and that is when the dream ended.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

by his wounds we are healed!!!

isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

well this is my first blog posting:) i can't believe i went and got one of this things. but so many of my friends have got them now so i thought i would get one too:) so tonight i was at gen next and i was hanging out before we got started, and erin burgmayer calls me over to her and another girl who was sitting there named julia. she says nancy julia needs healing. I'm like ok what is going on? and juila say to me that there was something wrong with her foot that somethings in her foot were out of line in her foot, and also because of her foot being messed up her back was also hurting. so i was like ok lets ask god to reline things in your foot. And as we were praying i asked her what was going on in her foot was there a change chould she feel anything going on? (like heat) and she said no. and so she was asking me and erin what chould be in the way from getting her healing. and i ask her if anyone has spoken anything over her like(doctors or her parnets) that jesus wouldn't her! or if a doctor told her that she chouldn't get better. So begin to share with us that doctor told her that she would have to work it out to get better. so she reived that lie that the doctor told her that she chouldn't get better. so i ask her to ask god forgiveness and rebuke the lie that doctor spoke over her. and so she did that and we prayed for her again and god would removed the pain and reline the musles and tentes in her foot and i spoke those word i feel such a surge come down my arm and she felt it too on her foot. so ask her to start bending her foot. and she begin to do so and she was healed she has no more pain!! praise god!! and the same also happened in her back:) and so she during worship she was able to dance freely without any pain!!!