Wednesday, November 01, 2006

wonderful God encounter

"When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." Jer. 29:12-14 OK, this is the story of my life these past couple of weeks. I've been trying forever to write this down and to share with you all but I'm still going, "Wow!!!" Anyway, me and my friends where doing 24/7 prayer at Pioneer Corps here in Philly. We would do the night shift (it was from 11pm to 5am). So, before this I was really hungry and thirsty for more of God in my life. I was begining to get sick of boring stuff (like going and falling a sleep every Sunday at my corps). I was getting tired of the dry stuff going on at my corps and in my life. So, in the beginning of the week I was reading in Jeremiah 29 12-14 in the Upper Room at Pioneer and i was "Wow!!!" So after I read that, I was like "God, I want more of you! I'm sooo hungry in my life - I need more of you and less of me. I'm looking for you in my life. So on Sunday me and my friends gathered again in the Upper Room for prayer and worship and to go about the normal time that we had been having there for the past 2 days. We decided to pray for one other, and when we started praying, God's presence was soooooo heavy in the room. God said to me, "Nancylee, pray for your friend." And I was like, "For what?" God said "That she will be filled with the Holy Spirit." And I was "God, are You sure, because my friend isn't all that confortable with all that." I was really afriad to ask her, but I did and she was like, "Bring it." I started asking God to come more into my friend so that she will be filled with the Holy Spirit and it happened! She was totally filled with the Holy Spirit and it was like "Wow!! Did God just do that?" The presence of God was sooooooooooo heavy in the room that we couldn't get up for about 2 hours - we were just on the ground laying there and crying. Finally, I look up in the corner of the room and I see an angel chillin' in the corner. For a second I was like, "Nancylee, you need sleep." I look again after rubbing my eyes 5 times - thinking I'm going nuts and im not going nuts - to see the angel chillin' over in the corner. I was like "What!?!?!" My friends were like, "Nancylee, what is going on?" And I answered that there was an angel chillin' in the corner. They were like "What?" and one of my friends was like, "Lord, give me eyes to see." So, after a while the Lord gave my friend eyes to see and she was like "What!?!?! Oh my word!!!" The rest of night the presence of God was soooo heavy in the room. That was one of the most wonderful God-encounters I have ever had.


Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen.

God has birthed a new and fresh thing, and you will walk in new-ness further still. Exciting and real the memories and promises yet to come.

Anonymous said...


what an awesome week that was. SO AWESOME. i'mj so glad that we were all in philadelphia, without jobs, just ready to be with Jesus. :) you are a blessing. thanks for writing about that week, we need to always remember what God said and did.

your friend,