Saturday, January 27, 2007

alot of answers from god

this week has been life changing for me in my walk with the lord. wedesday i was at my corps talking with some people about what god has been showing them and telling them in the past couple of months. it was wonderful for me to sit and listen to hear about what amazing mind blowing things at some points in the conversation i had to walk out because it was getting to much for me to hear not that it was me being rude or anything but it was making my head spin. and it takes alot for me to get to that point(map my friend don't laugh if u are reading this) anyway midpoint in the day my friend ask me question about ministry that a friend of mine asked me to join her in about couple of months ago and for the past 5 months i've been suggling asking god where do i fit in this whole thing? where do i connection in this whole puzzle? so i answered my friend and say basicly i haven't spoke to my friend about this in along time and i dunno what god has in store for me with this whole thing. So without asking god anyways or even saying anything to god, God ansswered me and say nancylee i want u to ministry healing in teen aglow. i was like what god?? and i was like omg god just connected the whole puzzle. So i was like woot in my head but not aloud:) and i was martha god just put the whole teen algow puzzle of where i fit. and she was like praise god!!! so this has been amazing week of just blessings from the lord praise is holy name!!

Monday, January 22, 2007


yeterday i got up really late and so i went to pioneer corps (the other corps) for church and it was really nice there wasnt alot of people there because their were alot of people from there at ladore. so anyways major phil preached on the woman at the well and so message really changed my out look on the whole story and how it fits into my life at this present time. im not going to go into why it does because i don't feel like typing it lol. anyways i got to see my really good friend beth yeterday i havent see beth in about months so we spent the after noon talking and eatting and napping it was nice to spend time with my friend yeterday was a good day. so what about your day was it good?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

dumb false gods

so i was in my local chinese food store getting some waton soup which i love and i see this thing on the counter i've never seen this before in my life so i took a pic of it and i researched it to find out what kind of chinese god it was. so anyways it's the chinese money god susposely the chinese people believe if u give this god some money as offerning(the frog) and he will grant i luck for all your days. so i asked myself why do people in this world put their trust in stupit statues and etc to give them stuff. where in says in gods word that whatever u ask of me i will give it to you. i don't understand we have wonderful amazing god who has a wonderful plan for us and he says if u ask me i will give it to u.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

above are both pictures of my grandfather (aka poppy) and my aunt linda in the background. anyways my poppy is going to be 76 in 10 days and i really love this man. He has been thought hell and back lossing his leg at the age of 35 with and he raised 4 children and later to raise me and me 2 other cousin he and my grandma step in loving then didn't have to and grandparents both saved to take me and my cousin on vacation every summer. and later on losing my grandmother to cancer. i really admire my grandfather for what he did for me and my cousins even though my grandfather will never read this blog because he hates computers. i just wanted to say thanks poppy for all u did for us i love u

these are pics from my childhood

Sunday, January 07, 2007

this above is my best friend in the world besides jesus Monica me and is chick have been though some crazy times. Fights on the el and subway in atlanta Ga Long story:) parents being sick walking to the hospital to go see them when we didn't have any car fare. I've been really thinking about my friendship with this girl and i really im happy that god sent me such a wonderful friend that puts up with my crap my rude matters my loud mouth my craziest and i along put up with her "outbursts" lol and another such things that i can't now go into because of serect packed we made anyways yeah my wonderful friend

Saturday, January 06, 2007

3 days of being sick

well for the past 3 days i've been really sick with this cold. It first started out with just a little stuffed nose and a little cough. but on friday i woke up and i chouldn't talk hardly breathe i was scared out my mind. so i took my temp and it was 102.1 my mom was like nancylee u are going to the hospital u are looking horrable. so i went back to bed and my mom called the doctor for me because i chouldn't do it and so he give me some "happy drugs" and right now im feeling a bit better and thank god i didn't have to go to the hospital.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

i dont know what to call this blog

Where can I go, where can I run from YouYou’re everywhereYou know all my thoughts, You see through my waysAnd still You come to meSo, I sing a love song to YouFrom Heaven above, on earth down beneathYour love rains down on meYou know all my thoughts, You see through my skinAnd still You come to meSo, I sing a love song to You (repeat)You walk on wavesYou run with cloudsYou paint the sky for me to seeYour majesty, Your majesty is why I singThis is a love song to You,This is a love song to YouYou walk on wavesYou run with cloudsYou paint the sky for me to seeYour majesty, Your majesty is why I singMy life’s a love song to YouYou know my life’s a love song to YouMy life’s a love song to YouMy life’s a love song

so i was last night around 3am or this morning i should say i chouldn't really sleep so i decied that i would come into my living room and go on the internet for awhile. So i opened up windows media player where i have my kickin christian worship tunes at. And so i started to play my portable mill stuff that i have on there (yeah over night crews favorite cd ever) anyways i started really listening to the words of the song and begin to really think about what the man was singing on cd. you walk on coulds and u run with waves and your paint the sky for me to see. So i was like hold up wait min. I really started to think about how amazing the colors in the sky are and the sky everything i chould think of that god made. i was wow!! god painted the sky for me to see he made all this amazing things for me to see. So right now im like a little kid in the candy store looking around at stuff. i know this may should really child like but i dont care. im really starting to look at stuff and life in how differnet way now.